2023/09/27 教育学科

【教育学科】教員インタビュー ジョナサン・アイザックソン講師(中等教育専攻英語科担当)


Q1. What made you want to teach English in Japan?

Originally, I was interested in Japan. I studied Japanese language, history and culture in university, so I wanted to come to Japan after I graduated. Joining the JET Program was a good way to do that. At my second job in Japan, I got the chance to teach a few university classes every week, and I found that I really liked teaching university students, and so I began to focus on ways to be able to keep teaching English at the university level here in Japan.

Q2. What are your impressions of teaching English at Tohoku Fukushi University?


One thing that I really like about teaching English here at TFU is the freedom I have to try out new ideas, and for the most part, students are willing to give new ideas a try. Even if an activity or project is something completely novel to them, most students are more than happy to put in a real effort to complete the task. As a teacher, that’s really the best result.

Q3. What do you want students to learn from your classes?

I want students to learn how to learn a language. We don’t have time in class to become fluent in English, but I can hopefully help students learn the steps they need to take as independent learners of English to become better at using the language. I also want them to learn that they don’t need to be perfect English speakers to be effective communicators in English.

Q4. Finally, do you have a message for high school students who want to become junior high or high school English teachers?


Being an English teacher is not about teaching students perfect grammar. It’s not just about preparing students to pass tests. It’s about setting a good example of language learning for your students. Just because you don’t speak perfect English doesn’t mean you can’t be an effective language teacher. You can always continue learning while you are teaching.





Q1. なぜ日本で英語を教えたいと思ったのですか。




. 東北福祉大学で英語を教えてみての印象はいかがですか。











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